Ransomware & How You Can Protect Your Business From Criminal Attacks

Approx. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Cyber incidents pose a very real threat to businesses across the globe. From malware to phishing attacks, cyber threats are constantly evolving – and there’s one particular brand of malware you need to know about. Ransomware, the fifth most common form of malware which is expected to overshadow other malicious programs in the next few years, is an easy way for low-skilled hackers to generate large profits. Here’s what you should know about ransomware – and how Intercept X, the revolutionary cyber security program developed by Sophos, can help protect your business.

What Is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a highly sophisticated form of malware which encrypts your documents, pictures and other important data so that you can no longer access it. The only way to access your files or unlock your computer is to pay a ransom. Victims of a ransomware attack will usually be expected to make a Bitcoin payment through an untraceable portal, and often there are penalties for late payment.

What’s even more alarming is that, often, novice and low-skilled hackers are paying their skilled counterparts to design ransomware codes which they can download and use themselves. This means even a hacker with no coding skills can infiltrate your data – making this a popular choice for hackers across the world.

How Ransomweare Is Affecting Australian Businesses

In 2017, 48% of Australian businesses suffered a targeted ransomware attack, and this number is only expected to grow. Out of those targeted, 67% believed they were running the most advanced security programs available.

The problem? Most security programs scan systems for already-known threats. The only way to protect your business from ever-evolving cyber attacks is detecting both known and unknown malware-which is exactly what Intercept X promises to do.

Intercept X

Intercept X is based on an exclusive, intelligent neural network design which enables it to detect malicious codes it hasn’t seen before. It doesn’t rely on a database of known dangerous signatures – instead, it has its own learning capacity and recognises all potential threats. Intercept X will:

• Identify threats;
• Alert you to these threats;
• Report on where it found the code and if any system files were infiltrated; and
• Advise you what to do next.

Instead of wasting time and resources fixing a problem, Intercept X lets you catch it at its source.

How Productiv Can Help

Here at Productiv, the Brisbane-based IT support and IT strategy consultants, we know how devastating security threats are to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experts offer managed services which include onsite tech support, and product-based consulting and training, meaning we will install Intercept X on your system and provide comprehensive training on its possibilities.

Cyber security threats, including ransomware, are continually evolving and pose a significant risk to Australian businesses. Productiv’s IT experts can help you:

• Safeguard your valuable data with our next-generation security solutions that detect and neutralise even unknown threats.
• Provide peace of mind with constant monitoring and protection of your systems.
• Allow you to focus on running your business without the burden of IT challenges.

Contact us today and discover how we can protect your business from ransomware attacks.